Getting to Providencia 2024

Travel to Providencia from Denver (DIA) was a breeze! I left DIA at about 930 PM on Copa airlines ( S. American airline affiliated with United) and arrived in (PTY) Panama City, Panama at 530 AM local time. Its about a 6 hour flight with a couple hours difference in time zones.

The Panama City airport is fairly small and well signed, taking about 15 to 20 minutes to walk from end to end. After a quick bite to eat and coffee I got to my gate with plenty of time to spare for the next leg. At the gate, the agents with Copa will sell you your required “tourist card” to San Andres/Providencia, cost is $40 USD and required. US dollars are accepted throughout the PTY airport so no need to exchange currency. The next leg of the journey was a flight to San Andres, Colombia (ADZ), everyone going to Providencia must go through San Andres. The flight is quick at just under an hour.

In San Andres there is a stop in customs where baggage and tourist cards are checked. The San Andres airport (ADZ) is small and simple to negotiate with plenty of folks around who speak English. If you are carrying more than 30 lbs of luggage total, get one of the porters that are near the baggage pickup to help you. The flight from San Andres to Providence has very limited baggage weight allowances, besides helping schlep your gear they can help negotiate a better rate with Satena (the Colombian airline to Providencia) for any excess weight you might have. In my case I was able to save a few Pesos and got help with a heavy bag of fishing gear. They are a tipped service so be sure to take care of them. ADZ airport does have food, drinks and a money exchange. Gates are located upstairs with a nice open area that catches the ocean breeze.

The next leg was the scenic 15 minute flight to Providencia (PVA). Once on the ground you hit the baggage claim and inspection area. Here you bags may be checked and your tourist card will be presented to officials. The officials will ask where you are staying and for a phone # of where you are staying so be sure and have those ready to expedite the process.

That is all there is to getting here. My total travel time was about 14 hrs. from Denver to Providencia.

Pretty EZ to get to paradise, don’t you think?